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Elderly Drummers


I work in a large number of residential and recreational settings with elderly drummers spanning from the well elderly to memory lane, dementia respite / support groups and reminiscence through out Surrey, Hampshire, Kent and Berkshire providing an environment in which to explore music using rhythm. I use a self developed gentle protocol ( Person – centred ) to create maximum interaction, gentle exercises utilising rhythms, rhythms tools and games to playing instruments, singing songs and having fun. It creates community and companionship, facilitates expression and exploration and brings people together in a safe and relaxed environment.  


Scientific peer reviewed research has shown that drumming for the elderly enhances mood, reduces stress and can also enhance the immune system. Bringing people together as a community to make in the moment music with drums and percusion can access areas of memory that for some lay forgotten or hidden. The drum is a simple to use versatile instrument that can be expressive ( Loud or soft ) and reflective for the client. There are no wrong notes everyones contribution is valued. The facilitated process brings people together and engenders co-operation, leadership, listening, expression and most of all fun.



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